Monday, September 13, 2010

Run For The Me-One!

I did it you guys!!! I ran my very first 5K yesterday with my mom... NO walking whatsoever!

Of course there were things that lead up to that. I woke up with Brandon at the ungodly hour of 6:30, which I realize is a normal time for many people... But I really don't do mornings, so that itself was a big hurdle to get over! LOL. So we got up, got dressed, I had a bowl of cereal, and before I knew it it was 7:45 and we were leaving the house for the park!

Once we got there and hunted down parking, we met up with my mom, grandma, and sister, and my fake-dad Greg showed up a little bit later. Mom and I checked in and got our numbers and our chip timers, along with our shirts and a silly goodie bag. We got our bibs pinned on and our chip timers on our shoes and we were ready to kick this race's butt! But first they herded us all ontothe baseball field and lead us in some silly ass warmups that most people just stood there and ignored, followed by a couple of people giving us speeches, all that jazz...

Then all of a sudden, they were counting down and we started to run! It was pretty crazy right at first with everyone starting in the same place and all heading in the same direction... Talk about a stampede! But it didn't take long at all for things to separate out - Faster people moved ahead and all that... Mom and I fell into the middle-ish area, maybe more towards the back... But that didn't matter! We just did our thing and jogged and jogged and JOGGED!

I think the worst thing for me was the hills! My neighboorhood is basically flat, everywhere. So I never have to deal with hills when I run at home! I hadn't expected my run to be flat yesterday... It was just hard to look ahead and see hills when I've never had to deal with them before. Mom was great for that though. She was my own personal cheerleader through the whole run! ;) AND she put up with my whining... Which there was a lot of. There's always a lot of whining involved when I do long runs like that, but normally I'm by myself and nobody has to listen to it! She said she didn't mind though. <3 Love my mommy!!!

After all of the hills and the running and the crazy, we were there! We were running along the parking lot, then down towards the finish line... We made a point of more or less sprinting the last little bit, because you have to finish strong! ;) We finished our race in 44 minutes! Well... Technically 44:00.2, but whatever!

It was a really great feeling to finish the race and get a cold bottle of water. We just stood around and chilled for a little while... Got free jamba juice from the snack table... All that good stuff. ;) Once we'd sufficiently calmed down we went to the cars and figured out lunch... Pizza! :D Which was delicious and awesome and all that... And I also ended up having for dinner later. LOL. Went home, got a nice shower in... And spent the rest of the day just chillin' with Brandon. It was definitely a good day!

Sometime in the end of my run I was saying to my mom that I felt like I never wanted to do it again... But I think we all know that isn't really the case. I'll do it again... And probably fairly soon! ;)


  1. Way to go!! That is such a great accomplishment. How do you feel today?

    Did you have to look up race etiquette rules before hand? What did you listen to while running?

  2. Wooooohooooo! I am so proud of you! You are AWESOME! :D

  3. Thanks guys! :D

    Today I felt perfectly normal! Just spent my day chillin' at home... Nothing too interesting for me on this particular Monday!

    I really didn't look up anything about race etiquette... Or know anything going in! I pretty much just used my common sense... Move out of the way when someone is coming to pass you up, don't be rude or pushy when passing people... That's really all I did. Hahaha

    Music was all over the place! I was happy to hear "How Far We've Come" by Matchbox 20, which is always one of my favoite running songs... Same with Lucky(Short Stuff Remix) by Lucky Twice. Nothing else stands out too much really in my head right now... Oh, except Horoscope by Weird Al. ;) That's my weird one that came up but I loved!
