When you suddenly realize that you're not, in fact, a crazy person? And that the goals you've set for yourself aren't as impossible as they seem? I'm having one of those days, and let me just say that it came at a perfect time!
Let me first say this: I wanted to throw the scale out the window recently. My last post I was 230, but had given myself the 229 because I figured I was just fluctuating like a weirdo. Well, the next day I was 231. Then 232. And it was all I could do to make myself get on the scale the next day, because I was half convinced it was going to go up again. Instead it went back to 231. Then 230. And here I am today, at 230 again. Just waiting for 229 to come back... Then something lower, to prove I can. LOL. I don't know about anyone else out there, but when I have these moments it makes it seem like getting past it is impossible! I know it really isn't. I'll just feel better when I see like... 228. Or lower. :D
ANYWAY. That's my explanation for why my, "I'm NOT a crazy person!" moment was so nice today. You see... I thought today I should challenge myself a little more with my running, because my very first 5K is going to be THIS weekend on Sunday! Super exciting! But I figured I should probably make sure I can actually jog that long, since I've been hoping to jog the whole thing, no walking. So I set out today with a route planned for 3 miles, and a 45 minute run on my C25K app... And I freakin' did it!!! I ran 3.16 miles in 45 minutes! When you add in the distance from the 5 minute warmup/cooldown walks, I traveled 3.7 miles today. It was really amazing! Definitely a challenge, but the point is that I did it and I am just SO beyond proud of myself! I am so stoked for this race on Sunday, it's crazy. Mom and I are gonna rock it, fo' sho'. ;) We're pretty much badass like that!
Things are otherwise going smoothly in my life... School is still fine, I'm still enjoying step aerobics in a rediculous sort of way. I do think, though, that I need to really start taking food with me to school. I tried to do the cafeteria thing and it's just not the best way for me to do this. Too many tempting options... Like pizza. And chicken strips. No, it's better if I just bring food of my own in a lunchbox or something and keep it in my locker for Step. That way it's easy to grab after history so I can eat! Much easier to stay on plan this way, methinks. Hooray for that!
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