Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let's Just Say My Motivation Has Taken a Vacation.

And I seriously wish I knew when it was coming back.

For the majority of five months, I've been very into my weight loss endeavors. I was enthusiastic, excited, and ready to get this stupid weight off for good! And I lost 40 pounds with all of that lovely perseverance. And then all of a sudden... It seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. :(

Oh where oh where has my happy weight loss face gone, oh where oh where can it be....


The good thing is I'm not really gaining any weight. I'm at least managing to maintain between 224 and 226. This is good. This makes me feel like all hope is not lost. I'm just not as on top of things as I have been. I have treats a little more often, exercise has almost gone out the window(I'm glad I have my Step class at school, otherwise I fear I wouldn't be getting ANY exercise at all!). Seriously. I ran once last week, and that was in class. The week before that, I ran twice, outside of class. I really should get back on top of that so I don't lose all of my hard C25K work... Maybe I should find a 5K to run in the next month. Maybe maybe maybe.

It's just been very frustrating to me to suddenly have no drive for this whatsoever. Like... I still want to reach my goal, and I know that it's possible... I just need to get my butt back in gear again, and it's proving more difficult than I would like it to be.


  1. I think I said this to you somewhere else, but I'll say it again. You lost quite a bit of weight in a rather short amount of time. Maybe your brain just needs to catch up. Just relax and roll with it. But be careful not to fall completely off the wagon!

  2. You did tell me that, in the onederland by Christmas challenge thread. :) I'm holding on and doing my best to not fall off the wagon much. Really I'm just hoping to maintain where I am(224-226) while I let my brain take a little break. I'm gonna try to be around more here ando n 3FC though, to keep it somewhat in my head. ;)
