Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Happy Wednesday!

Last week, amidst the turmoil and stupidness that was my strange weight fluctuation, I had to bump all of my tickers up to 230 from 229, because it just wouldn't go back to 229 for me in time for Wednesday. This week, I stepped on my scale... And got to move my tickers down 4 pounds! I guess this is just what I get. A week and a half or two of stupid ups and downs and stuckedness, then a whoosh of awesomeness! I can deal, if this is the pattern that continues. ;)

So pretty much that puts me at 40 pounds lost! And that is VERY exciting to me, because... Well.. Do I need more reason than that to be excited!? I think not! 40 pounds is a big freakin' deal! 45 will be just a little sweeter still, because that's my halway mark! So crazy to me to think I've come this far in just under 5 months... That is SO awesome, and I'm just gonna keep on losing. I absolutely WILL NOT fail this time. It's just not an option when I've made it this far already!

Today I went out and I ran, but rather than another 45 minute run I went back to W3 of C25K to work on speed. Where I would have walked before I jogged at my normal pace, and where it tells me to run... Well. I run. ;) Faster than my normal pace. It was really weird, because W3 workouts are way shorter than what I'm used to doing at this point... But that's no big deal. I still felt like I worked because of those faster intervals.

I really want to work on my pace, so I want to start doing things like that more often. Thinking about it, it seems like a good idea to do speed work like this on M/F(Theoretically moving through some of the other weeks, too), then do a normal endurance run on Wednesdays to break things up. That way I still keep up my endurance for time/distance, and I get to work at improving my speed. Seems like a good plan to me, but the only real way to know is to try it out for a week or two and see. Obviously this week is a little screwy for that, so I'm planning on doing a 45 on Friday, just because. Put my plan in motion next week! ;)


  1. Once again, congrats on the 40! :D

    Be careful about doing speedwork. I tried that and it was pretty much a disaster. Someone told me to instead work on endurance and speed would come naturally. So far they've proven correct! If you can do the speedwork, GREAT, but don't be upset if you can't.

  2. I nominated you for a Blog Award. Check out this post for details:

    P.S. I MISS YOU! :)
