... I'm thinking I am SUPER STOKED!!! :D
See, I have to tell you that I'm the kind of girl that loves a challenge. I love trying to figure out how to do things, pushing myself beyond what I think I can do. It's just sort of how I was raised. Truth be told, though, I tend to be a little lacksidasical about it most of the time... Because while I love a challenge, I am also rediculously, outrageously lazy. Hence the whole fat thing... Among other reasons. But whatever! ANYWAYS, I've decided to challenge myself with something, which will totally help with the weight loss stuff, too!
Someone out there is looking at the above statement with furrowed eyebrows, wondering what the hell I'm talking about. I know it. C25K stands for the Couch-2-5K Program. It's a starter program for people who want to learn how to run.
Yeah. Run. Like those people you see on sidewalks and stuff, moving kinda fast. That kind of run. ;)
Basically it has you do intervals of walking/running to build up your stamina over the span of 9 weeks. By the end of that 9 weeks, you should be able to run a 5K(which is a little over 3 miles), or for 30 straight minutes. The program has three workouts a week, which are meant to be spaced out so you don't wear yourself down.
Now, if you know me, this is going to sound entirely rediculous. I am not the sort of person who runs, or at least I never have been. But you know what? I've always wished I were that sort of person. Someone who finds running enjoyable or thereputic or whatever. Obviously I'm not guranteed to feel that way about running just because I'm taking on some silly challenge, but who knows? There may be a born runner buried somewhere underneath these layers of fat, just dying for me to discover her. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.
I plan on starting this tomorrow, either in the morning or in the evening... Or middle of the day, depending on how warm it is outside. I want to jump on this like... Now. Right now. I would've gone out for the first run when I got home if it hadn't been nearly ten o'clock! But now it's 10:30, so I'm DEFINITELY not going out for my run until tomorrow. Dang.
So that's my new and exciting news! I even have a 5K picked out that I'd like to do if I stick with this. Maybe my mommy will even do it with me! ;) *hint hint!* Look at me, all... Planning and stuff! Aaaah! So exciting. :) Can't wait to see how I handle this!
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