Monday, May 31, 2010

Stupid Choices Lead to Consequences.

Isn't that part of what weight loss is about?

Yesterday was terrible, after my run. Not in the sense of I had a bad day... Not really, I had fun, I enjoyed spending time with my friend Shanelle. See we went to the county fair, because there was nothing better to do with our Sunday evening. So we went, walked around, looked at stuff, whatever... And then we did stupid things. And by stupid things, I mean we ate stupid things.

See, at the county fair(And the state fair, when it's around) they sell these blocks of curly fries... And i say block because it really is a fucking BLOCK of curly fries. And we decided to share one, because curly fries sounded good, and we were at the fair where, let's face it, food judgement is impared. I think it gets high from all of the fumes from the animals or something.


We hadn't planned on eating the whole thing. We really only planned to eat half of it, because we knew it was terrible for us. But we ended up sitting at our table for a good hour or so, talking and being silly and whatever, and all of a sudden that block of curly fries? Yeah. It's GONE. With the exception of a ton that ended up on the ground, and a bunch of crumbly pieces on the plate. If we're lucky, that was MAYBE 1/4 of the block. Maybe. And that's being excessively optimistic. You know the sad thing? The fries sucked. They were bland and oily and not really that good... So why in the hell did we eat them!?!? I mean, yeah they were $7 curly fries... But I'd rather lose the $7, if I could do it all over again.

The other big kicker was that after eating all of that oily potato mess, we felt kinda gross, kinda off... And we realized we needed something of substance in our stomachs. And we ended up at Mel's Diner, and I mean... We all know diner food. There's not really such thing as a decent option. I ened up having a louissiana hot sausage sandwich... It was actually really good, and I really enjoyed that, but I wish I had enjoyed it without the stupid block of curly fries ahead of it!!! Ugh... I'm just so frustrated.

See, I exercised for the last three straight days, and my weight decided 251 was an awesome place to hang out. Fine, whatever, I can deal. It would go down eventually. After my stupid, stupid food choices of yesterday, today I'm up at 252. What. The hell. I mean, I'm not really surprised, but at the same time I just feel like I'm not getting anywhere anymore. I won't give up, because I've just been so proud of myself for doing the right things for the most part, and I've been enjoying it... But god damn, can a girl ever catch a break? This is rediculous... And so frustrating. Even more so because instead of exercising like I might normally after that kind of day, I had planned on this being a rest day... Since, again, I worked out the last three days. I would exercise anyway, but I'm kind of generally sore... So it's probably best to give my body a chance to chill out a little.

I just wish I had willpower of steel or something. :/

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