Isn't that part of what weight loss is about?
Yesterday was terrible, after my run. Not in the sense of I had a bad day... Not really, I had fun, I enjoyed spending time with my friend Shanelle. See we went to the county fair, because there was nothing better to do with our Sunday evening. So we went, walked around, looked at stuff, whatever... And then we did stupid things. And by stupid things, I mean we ate stupid things.
See, at the county fair(And the state fair, when it's around) they sell these blocks of curly fries... And i say block because it really is a fucking BLOCK of curly fries. And we decided to share one, because curly fries sounded good, and we were at the fair where, let's face it, food judgement is impared. I think it gets high from all of the fumes from the animals or something.
We hadn't planned on eating the whole thing. We really only planned to eat half of it, because we knew it was terrible for us. But we ended up sitting at our table for a good hour or so, talking and being silly and whatever, and all of a sudden that block of curly fries? Yeah. It's GONE. With the exception of a ton that ended up on the ground, and a bunch of crumbly pieces on the plate. If we're lucky, that was MAYBE 1/4 of the block. Maybe. And that's being excessively optimistic. You know the sad thing? The fries sucked. They were bland and oily and not really that good... So why in the hell did we eat them!?!? I mean, yeah they were $7 curly fries... But I'd rather lose the $7, if I could do it all over again.
The other big kicker was that after eating all of that oily potato mess, we felt kinda gross, kinda off... And we realized we needed something of substance in our stomachs. And we ended up at Mel's Diner, and I mean... We all know diner food. There's not really such thing as a decent option. I ened up having a louissiana hot sausage sandwich... It was actually really good, and I really enjoyed that, but I wish I had enjoyed it without the stupid block of curly fries ahead of it!!! Ugh... I'm just so frustrated.
See, I exercised for the last three straight days, and my weight decided 251 was an awesome place to hang out. Fine, whatever, I can deal. It would go down eventually. After my stupid, stupid food choices of yesterday, today I'm up at 252. What. The hell. I mean, I'm not really surprised, but at the same time I just feel like I'm not getting anywhere anymore. I won't give up, because I've just been so proud of myself for doing the right things for the most part, and I've been enjoying it... But god damn, can a girl ever catch a break? This is rediculous... And so frustrating. Even more so because instead of exercising like I might normally after that kind of day, I had planned on this being a rest day... Since, again, I worked out the last three days. I would exercise anyway, but I'm kind of generally sore... So it's probably best to give my body a chance to chill out a little.
I just wish I had willpower of steel or something. :/
Monday, May 31, 2010
Sunday, May 30, 2010
That was AMAZING!
So earlier today I did Week 1, Day 1 of the C25K program. I told myself I was going to do it when I had so much fun thinking about it yesterday. I WANTED to start last night, but didn't because it got too late. But today, today I woke up at 10, and I think I was out of the house around 11:30... After I snapped a few photos of myself, just for fun!
I had no idea what to expect from myself starting this... Since, like I said before, I've never been great about running... At all. Ever. But the only way to find out is to try, and I tried today... And I DID IT! And I feel amazing for it! Week 1, Day 1 is a five minute warmup, intervals of running for 60 seconds and walking for 90 seconds, and a five minute cooldown. Came out to 31 minutes out and about in my neighboorhood... And I have to say that I totally rocked it. ;) During a couple of the running intervals I kind of felt like dying, but that was always when I only had about 10 seconds left of running anyway, so I just pushed through to the walking. :D It was pretty phenominal.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
What in the world am I thinking??
... I'm thinking I am SUPER STOKED!!! :D
See, I have to tell you that I'm the kind of girl that loves a challenge. I love trying to figure out how to do things, pushing myself beyond what I think I can do. It's just sort of how I was raised. Truth be told, though, I tend to be a little lacksidasical about it most of the time... Because while I love a challenge, I am also rediculously, outrageously lazy. Hence the whole fat thing... Among other reasons. But whatever! ANYWAYS, I've decided to challenge myself with something, which will totally help with the weight loss stuff, too!
Someone out there is looking at the above statement with furrowed eyebrows, wondering what the hell I'm talking about. I know it. C25K stands for the Couch-2-5K Program. It's a starter program for people who want to learn how to run.
Yeah. Run. Like those people you see on sidewalks and stuff, moving kinda fast. That kind of run. ;)
Basically it has you do intervals of walking/running to build up your stamina over the span of 9 weeks. By the end of that 9 weeks, you should be able to run a 5K(which is a little over 3 miles), or for 30 straight minutes. The program has three workouts a week, which are meant to be spaced out so you don't wear yourself down.
Now, if you know me, this is going to sound entirely rediculous. I am not the sort of person who runs, or at least I never have been. But you know what? I've always wished I were that sort of person. Someone who finds running enjoyable or thereputic or whatever. Obviously I'm not guranteed to feel that way about running just because I'm taking on some silly challenge, but who knows? There may be a born runner buried somewhere underneath these layers of fat, just dying for me to discover her. That's what I'm hoping for, anyway.
I plan on starting this tomorrow, either in the morning or in the evening... Or middle of the day, depending on how warm it is outside. I want to jump on this like... Now. Right now. I would've gone out for the first run when I got home if it hadn't been nearly ten o'clock! But now it's 10:30, so I'm DEFINITELY not going out for my run until tomorrow. Dang.
So that's my new and exciting news! I even have a 5K picked out that I'd like to do if I stick with this. Maybe my mommy will even do it with me! ;) *hint hint!* Look at me, all... Planning and stuff! Aaaah! So exciting. :) Can't wait to see how I handle this!
Friday, May 28, 2010
So Many Thoughts Tonight. :)
I went to thy gym today after the scale decided to play tricks on me. Yesterday, it was nice, and was like, "Yeah, you weigh 249! Go you for getting out of the 250's! Yaaaaay!" And I was all excited and all that... And then today I got on there and it was like, "JUSTKIDDING, you're still 250ish!(I got on when I first got up and it said 251, did a couple things, came back and it said 250. Huh.) What a freaking JERK! So I said to myself, "Self, we are going to have to go to the gym today!" And so we did!
I had a pretty great workout, I'd say. Warmed up on a bike for 10 minutes, 5 minutes on a stairmaster, 33 on an elliptical, 5 on a hand bike(I hate the hand bike, BTW. Or at least my arms do. That's gonna be something for me to work on!). Thennn, because I had a weird 53 minute workout on my hands at that poind, i decided to go over to the situp contraptions to do some crunches. I figured I'd do 100, so four sets of 25... And I did that, but I was still feeling pretty good. So I did four more sets. And two more on top of that. So... I did 250 crunches, and it. Was. AWESOME. I felt SO good after that workout today, just because I pushed myself a little bit further... It was great! That's the best I've felt about a workout this whole time! Hopefully it's not the last time I feel that way, either!
Before I went to the gym today, I started playing around and decided I should make a spreadsheet to track my stuff every day - Not so much food, but track the date, my daily weigh in, and whatever exercise I do. Just to see how things go. I plan to have it sectioned off by whatever goal I'm on - So right now I'm working on my June 6th goal, it's labeled as such. On the 7th, I'll have a new section with the header for the next goal, et cetera. I just thought it would be nice to keep track of it all. Wish I had kept track from the beginning... But if nothing else I can go back through my entries here and at least enter in the Wednesdays I talked about here. :) Better than nothing!
I'm feeling really, really good right now. I'm making mostly good choices, I'm getting more in the habit of trying to get exercise in... I feel like I'm actually, yaknow, accomplishing something! And that doesn't suck... or at least I don't think so.
I decided something a little odd today, or at least that other people *may* find odd. I haven't talked to my dad in a while... Just haven't gotten around to it, and I haven't seen him since... The beginning of April. So... Before I even started all of this. I'm honestly gonna try to avoid seeing him for a little bit, until I've lost more weight. Presumably(since I didn't have a working scale at that point) he saw me last right around my highest weight of 266 pounds. How cool would it be to go back there having lost like... 30-40 pounds? I have a lot of family up there, and they don't see me too often... I just think it would be fun to see if they notice. That's my biggest thing... I wanna see if people who don't see me all the time will see... Any difference at all. And they don't know I've been working on this, so I can at least know they aren't saying things just to make me feel good. I hate that. I want to know that I really am making progress. Of course, if they don't say anything, I'll just chalk it up to them being unobservant or something. ;) I'm cool.
Oh! I found an exciting thread on 3FC a couple days ago that I've been thoroughly enjoying... Something along the lines of the "Get real summer fit challenge" or something like that. Basically about setting a weight loss goal for the summer that's realistic, and chatting with the lovely ladies there while you try to get there. So I'm aiming from this point to lose another 20 pounds by September 1st. I checked on my little timeline I made that I posted here a while back, 20 pounds falls right in there, so I think I can do it. :) To weigh 229/230 by September... How cool would that be? I mean... Seriously?? Yesss! That would ROCK! ((Now that I look at it again, I'd actually preffer to be a little farther than that, since my September 15th goal is 215... Oh well! We'll see!))
Anyway, I'm just excited and silly and in a happy place in my head right now, so I thought I'd record it since things aren't always this way in weight loss. :)
I had a pretty great workout, I'd say. Warmed up on a bike for 10 minutes, 5 minutes on a stairmaster, 33 on an elliptical, 5 on a hand bike(I hate the hand bike, BTW. Or at least my arms do. That's gonna be something for me to work on!). Thennn, because I had a weird 53 minute workout on my hands at that poind, i decided to go over to the situp contraptions to do some crunches. I figured I'd do 100, so four sets of 25... And I did that, but I was still feeling pretty good. So I did four more sets. And two more on top of that. So... I did 250 crunches, and it. Was. AWESOME. I felt SO good after that workout today, just because I pushed myself a little bit further... It was great! That's the best I've felt about a workout this whole time! Hopefully it's not the last time I feel that way, either!
Before I went to the gym today, I started playing around and decided I should make a spreadsheet to track my stuff every day - Not so much food, but track the date, my daily weigh in, and whatever exercise I do. Just to see how things go. I plan to have it sectioned off by whatever goal I'm on - So right now I'm working on my June 6th goal, it's labeled as such. On the 7th, I'll have a new section with the header for the next goal, et cetera. I just thought it would be nice to keep track of it all. Wish I had kept track from the beginning... But if nothing else I can go back through my entries here and at least enter in the Wednesdays I talked about here. :) Better than nothing!
I'm feeling really, really good right now. I'm making mostly good choices, I'm getting more in the habit of trying to get exercise in... I feel like I'm actually, yaknow, accomplishing something! And that doesn't suck... or at least I don't think so.
I decided something a little odd today, or at least that other people *may* find odd. I haven't talked to my dad in a while... Just haven't gotten around to it, and I haven't seen him since... The beginning of April. So... Before I even started all of this. I'm honestly gonna try to avoid seeing him for a little bit, until I've lost more weight. Presumably(since I didn't have a working scale at that point) he saw me last right around my highest weight of 266 pounds. How cool would it be to go back there having lost like... 30-40 pounds? I have a lot of family up there, and they don't see me too often... I just think it would be fun to see if they notice. That's my biggest thing... I wanna see if people who don't see me all the time will see... Any difference at all. And they don't know I've been working on this, so I can at least know they aren't saying things just to make me feel good. I hate that. I want to know that I really am making progress. Of course, if they don't say anything, I'll just chalk it up to them being unobservant or something. ;) I'm cool.
Oh! I found an exciting thread on 3FC a couple days ago that I've been thoroughly enjoying... Something along the lines of the "Get real summer fit challenge" or something like that. Basically about setting a weight loss goal for the summer that's realistic, and chatting with the lovely ladies there while you try to get there. So I'm aiming from this point to lose another 20 pounds by September 1st. I checked on my little timeline I made that I posted here a while back, 20 pounds falls right in there, so I think I can do it. :) To weigh 229/230 by September... How cool would that be? I mean... Seriously?? Yesss! That would ROCK! ((Now that I look at it again, I'd actually preffer to be a little farther than that, since my September 15th goal is 215... Oh well! We'll see!))
Anyway, I'm just excited and silly and in a happy place in my head right now, so I thought I'd record it since things aren't always this way in weight loss. :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Math is Fun!
And that is something you'll never hear me say about anything else. Ever. ;)
But anyway!
Today is Wednesday, and we all know that means it's my "official" day to count my weight, which today came in at 250 pounds! 16 down! Hooraaaaay! I'm happy, to say the least. Would have been way cooler to escape the 250's altogether, even if it had just been 249, but hey! I'll take it! Especially since I had a couple weird food days this week!
But back to the subject of math.
I was playing around with my numbers... You know the ones. I want to lose 91 pounds, I've lost 16, this much would be this percentage... Blah Blah Blah. And I realized that I only need to lose SEVEN more pounds to be a quarter of the way to my goal! Only seven! How crazy awesome is that!? I think it's rediculous how awesome it is, personally, but yaknow... I may just be a little bit biased. ;)
I love doing things like this. I'll sit here, not really doing much of anything, and I'll start playing with the calculator on my laptop to see how things are going, how far I am, how much farther I have to go... It's really a motivator, and I can't get over how happy silly little numbers can make me! But numbers are my driving factor in all of this, let's face it. Well. Part of it.
See, I haven't told you about this yet, becuase... Well, I just haven't thought to put it in my blog! But since I'm keeping track of my journey, you may as well know what I want to do when I get it all done. I want to lose 91 pounds, right? Right. We all know that. I've mentioned it a few(hundred) times. Sure, I wanna be skinny and healthy and wear cute clothes and all that jazz... But there's another driving factor, another end goal I have.
I want to get on the Amazing Race.
No, seriously. It's a dream I decided to chase semi-recently. It's part of what drove me to want to get a new scale so i could lose weight. I'm a latecomer as far as the show goes - The last season being the only one I've actually watched. but I fell in LOVE. Instantly. Right away, then and there. I watched it obsessively, and decided I needed to do it too. See, I love traveling. And my family tends to be competitive by nature, so... It all works out. WHen I get to that point, that magical point of losing lots of weight and meeting my goals... My mom and I are going to try to get on the show, and be amazingly awesome together. I can't imagine doing it with anyone else, my mom is the best. THE best. And she is totally up for it with me. And I can't WAIT!!!
The downside is that you have to be 21 to be on the show. That sucks, seeing as how I'm only turning 19 in a week and a half. BUT! That gives me plenty of time to get in shape, which is nice. And seriously, how could they ignore something as awesome as this? Someone losing 91 pounds because they want to be able to run the race? Duh. Great team story, right there. Hahaha. And I have weird hands! Let's throw that in the mix. See if we get anywhere.
ANYWAY. So now you know my big giant dreams. Let's face it - Even if we don't get on the show, I'll still have all of this amazing weight loss under my belt, which is PLENTY reward, even on it's own. But travelling around to world at the end of it? Yes please!
But anyway!
Today is Wednesday, and we all know that means it's my "official" day to count my weight, which today came in at 250 pounds! 16 down! Hooraaaaay! I'm happy, to say the least. Would have been way cooler to escape the 250's altogether, even if it had just been 249, but hey! I'll take it! Especially since I had a couple weird food days this week!
But back to the subject of math.
I was playing around with my numbers... You know the ones. I want to lose 91 pounds, I've lost 16, this much would be this percentage... Blah Blah Blah. And I realized that I only need to lose SEVEN more pounds to be a quarter of the way to my goal! Only seven! How crazy awesome is that!? I think it's rediculous how awesome it is, personally, but yaknow... I may just be a little bit biased. ;)
I love doing things like this. I'll sit here, not really doing much of anything, and I'll start playing with the calculator on my laptop to see how things are going, how far I am, how much farther I have to go... It's really a motivator, and I can't get over how happy silly little numbers can make me! But numbers are my driving factor in all of this, let's face it. Well. Part of it.
See, I haven't told you about this yet, becuase... Well, I just haven't thought to put it in my blog! But since I'm keeping track of my journey, you may as well know what I want to do when I get it all done. I want to lose 91 pounds, right? Right. We all know that. I've mentioned it a few(hundred) times. Sure, I wanna be skinny and healthy and wear cute clothes and all that jazz... But there's another driving factor, another end goal I have.
I want to get on the Amazing Race.
No, seriously. It's a dream I decided to chase semi-recently. It's part of what drove me to want to get a new scale so i could lose weight. I'm a latecomer as far as the show goes - The last season being the only one I've actually watched. but I fell in LOVE. Instantly. Right away, then and there. I watched it obsessively, and decided I needed to do it too. See, I love traveling. And my family tends to be competitive by nature, so... It all works out. WHen I get to that point, that magical point of losing lots of weight and meeting my goals... My mom and I are going to try to get on the show, and be amazingly awesome together. I can't imagine doing it with anyone else, my mom is the best. THE best. And she is totally up for it with me. And I can't WAIT!!!
The downside is that you have to be 21 to be on the show. That sucks, seeing as how I'm only turning 19 in a week and a half. BUT! That gives me plenty of time to get in shape, which is nice. And seriously, how could they ignore something as awesome as this? Someone losing 91 pounds because they want to be able to run the race? Duh. Great team story, right there. Hahaha. And I have weird hands! Let's throw that in the mix. See if we get anywhere.
ANYWAY. So now you know my big giant dreams. Let's face it - Even if we don't get on the show, I'll still have all of this amazing weight loss under my belt, which is PLENTY reward, even on it's own. But travelling around to world at the end of it? Yes please!
Friday, May 21, 2010
I can officially say....
I have been at this for one month. :) Hooray!
And I decided that being the landmark that it is, today's weigh-in needed to be recorded. So I changed my ticker on 3FC today after I weighed in... At 252 pounds! That means that in one month, I have lost 14 pounds! You have noooo idea how exciting that is for me. So. Freaking. EXCITING! I know, I know. This is only the beginning, it won't always be this fast, yadda yadda yadda.... DO NOT CARE. I will bask in the glow of my lost fourteen pounds and deal with the hiccups if and when they come my way. I am allowed to be happy about this. DUH. 14 pounds is a big deal!
I will probably do the same thing every month - That is, weigh-in and count the 21st, regardless of if it's a wednesday or not. Those days are going to be big deals to me, as they just show me how far I've come. I don't care that today only makes the first month, I am PROUD and I am AMAZED and I am SO freaking ready to continue this. Yeah. That's what this does to me... I'm all crazy and pumped up!
I'm FINALLY getting back in my exercise groove after my couple weeks of basically nothing. Went to zumba with my mom on Wednesday, and we went to hip hop tonight! I'm feeling really great about it, which is good. I just need to keep it up! :) Mom wants to go to Zumba again on Sunday... It's at 9. Or noon. Noon I would totally do, but 9? I suck at mornings, people! Suuuuck! But we'll see. I told her to ask me about it tomorrow night, so we'll see. ;)
So yeah! I'm feeling awesome and super happy about my progress, and just... Great!
And I decided that being the landmark that it is, today's weigh-in needed to be recorded. So I changed my ticker on 3FC today after I weighed in... At 252 pounds! That means that in one month, I have lost 14 pounds! You have noooo idea how exciting that is for me. So. Freaking. EXCITING! I know, I know. This is only the beginning, it won't always be this fast, yadda yadda yadda.... DO NOT CARE. I will bask in the glow of my lost fourteen pounds and deal with the hiccups if and when they come my way. I am allowed to be happy about this. DUH. 14 pounds is a big deal!
I will probably do the same thing every month - That is, weigh-in and count the 21st, regardless of if it's a wednesday or not. Those days are going to be big deals to me, as they just show me how far I've come. I don't care that today only makes the first month, I am PROUD and I am AMAZED and I am SO freaking ready to continue this. Yeah. That's what this does to me... I'm all crazy and pumped up!
I'm FINALLY getting back in my exercise groove after my couple weeks of basically nothing. Went to zumba with my mom on Wednesday, and we went to hip hop tonight! I'm feeling really great about it, which is good. I just need to keep it up! :) Mom wants to go to Zumba again on Sunday... It's at 9. Or noon. Noon I would totally do, but 9? I suck at mornings, people! Suuuuck! But we'll see. I told her to ask me about it tomorrow night, so we'll see. ;)
So yeah! I'm feeling awesome and super happy about my progress, and just... Great!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A small week in terms of loss, but I expected as much.
Today being Wednesday, it was time for my official weigh in. I'm down one pound from last week, putting me at a total of 12 pounds lost so far. Consideiring my almost completel ack of exercise in the last couple of weeks, I'm still pleased to see a smaller number. :) Take what you can, right?
I'm going to try to go to a Zumba class tonight around 7, which would be pretty awesome. I need the exercise, and it's probably one of my favorite ways to get it in, even though I've only gone to two classes. Instructor really does count, though. The first time I went, we had an awesome instructore and she was really fun and into it. When I went the second time at a different gym with a different instructor, I didn't have as much fun. She was into it, but it seemed like she was less hyped up and into it. Granted, there were only three of us in the class that time, but still. Give us what you've got! If I go tonight, I will be going to the gym with the instructor from the first night, and that will be lots of fun. :)
I am trying really hard right now to get myself re-motivated in exercise. I need to do it. It's important to my goals. But I'm just so good at making excuses for myself to *not* exercise. It's really quite terrible. As I spend most of my day sitting around on my laptop, I could just as easily take 45 minutes out of that time to go through a workout on EA Sports Active. So why don't I? I think that's probably a bigger issue for me than eating at this point. It's really not that hard for me to not eat like I used to. That part I pretty much have down, no problem. ut making myself get up and move around... I have issues with. I'm rediculously used to being sedentary. I guess it's just gonna have to be baby steps in that respect.
My birthday is coming up pretty quick here... Two and a half weeks or so. Now, by the silly timeline I set myself when I got bored last week, I'm supposed to lose nine more pounds by then. Its not likely to happen, I realize. I'm more realiztic than that. But the timeline was just an idea of what I would like to do, not necessarily how I think things will actually pan out. Some people don't seem to get that and think I'm setting myself up for dissappointment, but I'm more realistic than they seem to realize. Granted, it would be really cool if I could lose nine pounds by then, but I'm not about to drive myself crazy trying to do it. There is always, always, ALWAYS room for adjustment. That's the beauty of being in control. :)
I am officially going to Zumba tonight. :) My mom and I are going together. How awesome is that??
I'm going to try to go to a Zumba class tonight around 7, which would be pretty awesome. I need the exercise, and it's probably one of my favorite ways to get it in, even though I've only gone to two classes. Instructor really does count, though. The first time I went, we had an awesome instructore and she was really fun and into it. When I went the second time at a different gym with a different instructor, I didn't have as much fun. She was into it, but it seemed like she was less hyped up and into it. Granted, there were only three of us in the class that time, but still. Give us what you've got! If I go tonight, I will be going to the gym with the instructor from the first night, and that will be lots of fun. :)
I am trying really hard right now to get myself re-motivated in exercise. I need to do it. It's important to my goals. But I'm just so good at making excuses for myself to *not* exercise. It's really quite terrible. As I spend most of my day sitting around on my laptop, I could just as easily take 45 minutes out of that time to go through a workout on EA Sports Active. So why don't I? I think that's probably a bigger issue for me than eating at this point. It's really not that hard for me to not eat like I used to. That part I pretty much have down, no problem. ut making myself get up and move around... I have issues with. I'm rediculously used to being sedentary. I guess it's just gonna have to be baby steps in that respect.
My birthday is coming up pretty quick here... Two and a half weeks or so. Now, by the silly timeline I set myself when I got bored last week, I'm supposed to lose nine more pounds by then. Its not likely to happen, I realize. I'm more realiztic than that. But the timeline was just an idea of what I would like to do, not necessarily how I think things will actually pan out. Some people don't seem to get that and think I'm setting myself up for dissappointment, but I'm more realistic than they seem to realize. Granted, it would be really cool if I could lose nine pounds by then, but I'm not about to drive myself crazy trying to do it. There is always, always, ALWAYS room for adjustment. That's the beauty of being in control. :)
I am officially going to Zumba tonight. :) My mom and I are going together. How awesome is that??
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I've Made Myself a Timeline...
Hopefully, I can make it happen. :)
It will not be the end of the world if it doesn't happen, but it would be really, really cool. I'm hoping to be reaching my goal at the one year mark of my journey - April 21st, 2011. I really, really think it's doable... Especially since I set my goals(mostly) in 10 pound incriments! In case you want to know my hopes/dreams/whatever, here's what I've been working on for about 30 minutes now:
Mini Goals/Timeline:
1.11 LBS lost by May 12! (255lbs)(4% starting weight lost)
2. 21LBS lost by June 6th! (245lbs)(8%)
3. 31 LBS lost by July 15th! (235lbs)(12%)
4. 41 LBS lost by August 6th! (225lbs)(15%)
5. 51 LBS lost by September 15th !(215lbs)(19%)
6. 67 LBS lost by November 15th(199lbs)(25%)(ONEDERLAND!!!)("Overweight" BMI - 28.1)
7. 71 LBS lost by December 1st. (195lbs)(27%)
8. 81 LBS lost by January 19th. (185lbs)(30%)
9. 91 LBS lost by April 21st (175lbs)(34%)(GOAL! And one year in!)(Barely "Normal" BMI - 24.8)
Now, that first one wasn't actually a goal that I'd had in mind, it's just where I happened to be for my official weigh in today, and it just so happened that it worked out perfectly, because starting at 266 pounds made for weird numbers. I prefer my weights to level out at incriments of 5, with the exception of goal 6. ;) But I fix it with Goal 7, then go back to my normal ways.
In my head, this seems like a pretty reasonable setup. I give myself anywhere between a month/month and a half to lose 10 pounds at a time. The one time where I tweaked it a bit for my silly onederland dreams, I give myself more time. Less time, then, for when I even myself back out right after. The last 10 pounds I gave myself three months... For two reasons. One, I liked the idea of getting there right around a year after I started(though don't get me wrong, if things happen quicker I'll be in no way heartbroken!). The other reason being that I know from reading other people's experiences that the last 10 pounds can be brutal and mean and not come off for a loooong time. Granted I could hit a plateau at any given point through this, I realize... But I figure that gives me a little room for problems, anyway. :)
I don't need this to work out perfectly, by any means. Even being within a few pounds of each goal when I get to these dates would be awesome! But for my own reasons, and the reasons of keeping up nicely with my mini-goal ticker on 3FC, I like having things like this. The one I have up there right now is for goal 2 - 21 lbs lost by June 6th. Which just happens to be my birthday! It'll also be nice because that will put me back around where I was last time I really payed attention to how much I weighed.
Just a side note - I really don't care too much about the BMI issue, as I think it's rediculous. :) But it's fun to know that by that scale, will be "normal" by the end of this... But only barely. How crazy! I don't think I could easily maintain much lower than that.
Speaking of maintenence, I've noticed that some people already have their ranges set for when they get to that point. I guess if I think about it, I'd probably give myself about a 5 pound window... So I could fall anywhere between 175-180. I wouldn't mind that too much. My original goal I had set for myself was 185, but I changed it after seeing some rediculously inspiring photos of someone who's starting weight and height were nearly identical to mine. The photos she had posted were of her at 175 or so, and I fell in love. Hahaha... I'm just a weirdo like that. But, oh well. I got body envy, and made it my goal to get to that weight. Sure, it may look different on me... But either way, I'm pretty sure I'll look spectacular!
I have to admit to you, though, that I've been terrible about exercise the last week and a half or so. Absolutely terrible. But school has been kinda crazy and I've been kinda tired and stupid and full of all sorts of excuses I could give you but I'll stop with that nonsense now. :) I know I'm being dumb. And I have every intention of fixing it later this week. I would do something about it today, but I have a project I need to do for my baking class tomorrow that I have barely done anything for! Smart, right? And I've already been procrastinating today... Like coming up with that list of goals. And writing this entry. But I just got so excited about it, I had to share! On the bright side, though, I've been good about my eating habits for the most part. So at least I can say I've been good about that!
I think it's time to be good about other things, though, and actually start working on my stupid baking book!
It will not be the end of the world if it doesn't happen, but it would be really, really cool. I'm hoping to be reaching my goal at the one year mark of my journey - April 21st, 2011. I really, really think it's doable... Especially since I set my goals(mostly) in 10 pound incriments! In case you want to know my hopes/dreams/whatever, here's what I've been working on for about 30 minutes now:
Mini Goals/Timeline:
2. 21LBS lost by June 6th! (245lbs)(8%)
3. 31 LBS lost by July 15th! (235lbs)(12%)
4. 41 LBS lost by August 6th! (225lbs)(15%)
5. 51 LBS lost by September 15th !(215lbs)(19%)
6. 67 LBS lost by November 15th(199lbs)(25%)(ONEDERLAND!!!)("Overweight" BMI - 28.1)
7. 71 LBS lost by December 1st. (195lbs)(27%)
8. 81 LBS lost by January 19th. (185lbs)(30%)
9. 91 LBS lost by April 21st (175lbs)(34%)(GOAL! And one year in!)(Barely "Normal" BMI - 24.8)
Now, that first one wasn't actually a goal that I'd had in mind, it's just where I happened to be for my official weigh in today, and it just so happened that it worked out perfectly, because starting at 266 pounds made for weird numbers. I prefer my weights to level out at incriments of 5, with the exception of goal 6. ;) But I fix it with Goal 7, then go back to my normal ways.
In my head, this seems like a pretty reasonable setup. I give myself anywhere between a month/month and a half to lose 10 pounds at a time. The one time where I tweaked it a bit for my silly onederland dreams, I give myself more time. Less time, then, for when I even myself back out right after. The last 10 pounds I gave myself three months... For two reasons. One, I liked the idea of getting there right around a year after I started(though don't get me wrong, if things happen quicker I'll be in no way heartbroken!). The other reason being that I know from reading other people's experiences that the last 10 pounds can be brutal and mean and not come off for a loooong time. Granted I could hit a plateau at any given point through this, I realize... But I figure that gives me a little room for problems, anyway. :)
I don't need this to work out perfectly, by any means. Even being within a few pounds of each goal when I get to these dates would be awesome! But for my own reasons, and the reasons of keeping up nicely with my mini-goal ticker on 3FC, I like having things like this. The one I have up there right now is for goal 2 - 21 lbs lost by June 6th. Which just happens to be my birthday! It'll also be nice because that will put me back around where I was last time I really payed attention to how much I weighed.
Just a side note - I really don't care too much about the BMI issue, as I think it's rediculous. :) But it's fun to know that by that scale, will be "normal" by the end of this... But only barely. How crazy! I don't think I could easily maintain much lower than that.
Speaking of maintenence, I've noticed that some people already have their ranges set for when they get to that point. I guess if I think about it, I'd probably give myself about a 5 pound window... So I could fall anywhere between 175-180. I wouldn't mind that too much. My original goal I had set for myself was 185, but I changed it after seeing some rediculously inspiring photos of someone who's starting weight and height were nearly identical to mine. The photos she had posted were of her at 175 or so, and I fell in love. Hahaha... I'm just a weirdo like that. But, oh well. I got body envy, and made it my goal to get to that weight. Sure, it may look different on me... But either way, I'm pretty sure I'll look spectacular!
I have to admit to you, though, that I've been terrible about exercise the last week and a half or so. Absolutely terrible. But school has been kinda crazy and I've been kinda tired and stupid and full of all sorts of excuses I could give you but I'll stop with that nonsense now. :) I know I'm being dumb. And I have every intention of fixing it later this week. I would do something about it today, but I have a project I need to do for my baking class tomorrow that I have barely done anything for! Smart, right? And I've already been procrastinating today... Like coming up with that list of goals. And writing this entry. But I just got so excited about it, I had to share! On the bright side, though, I've been good about my eating habits for the most part. So at least I can say I've been good about that!
I think it's time to be good about other things, though, and actually start working on my stupid baking book!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Sometimes, it feels like it will never happen.
I know it's a terribly pessimistic way to look at things, but I just can't help it.
I love seeing that the numbers on the scale are consistently going down, even if only a little at a time. It's awesome. It's progress. It means the changes I make are actually doing something for me. But at the same time... I know myself well enough to know that I like my instant gratification. I also know that weight loss is no place for such things. It's a slow process, one that takes time and effort. At some point or another I'm bound to hit a plateu. I know this, because it's happened before. And when things stop changing, I gert irritated and upset and frustrated. And when that happens, I want to eat. And it's stupid and I hate it, but it's just how I deal with things. I wish it wasn't.
But anyway. Instant gratification. Typically it helps to set points along the way where I reward myself for what I accomplish. Not food rewards, obviously. That would be... Stupid. No, I mean other things. Once I had a goal set for if I got under 200 pounds, my mom and I would go horseback riding. I never made it that far, but I still like that goal. I really enjoy horseback riding... But anyway. Not every step needs to be something big like that, that was just a big landmark in my weight loss... Onederland, as some people over at 3fatchicks like to refer to it. Somewhere I haven't been for about four or five years. How am I supposed to make it from where I am now(257lbs, according to my official wednesday weigh in), to... even just getting to 199? I mean, my overall goal is to get to 175 or so. I would love that, it would be just about perfect. But how in the hell am I supposed to do it???
I know, I know. Mini goals. Little steps. I know all about it. Right now my goal is to lose 15 pounds by my birthday... June 6th. I've lost nine, according to my official weigh-ins. So I'm not doing too terrible in that respect, so far. Although it seems like in the last week I suddenly dropped off everything I was really doing. I mean, I'm not going nuts or eatching a ton of fast food or whatever, but mostly I mean I haven't been so enthusiastic about exercise. Which I need to be. I have to exercise because it really does help my weight loss. That *should* be motivation enough. But it never is. Once I'm at the gym, or on the wii game, or whatever, I'm good. I get through what I need to get through, I'm happy, I'm pretty much always glad I did it. But getting there... Ugh. UGH.
I try to just not think about the big picture most of the time. Saying I need to lose seven more pounds to reach my mini goal is way better than saying I need to lose eighty-two pounds for my entire goal... But it's hard when in reality, I know how far I have to go. And it's discouraging to think about, even though it should make me want to work harder.
Yesterday when i was getting ready for bed and I was getting out of my clothes, I just felt uncomfortable. I mean, really uncomfortable in my own skin. Like it just wasn't me. I'm not happy the way my body is. I'm just not. I can't help that, nor do I really want to. I want to lose weight and be healthy and be able to do more things, buy cuter clothing, be comfortable in a bikini.
I just don't know how in the world I'm going to get there without losing hope like I normally do.
Raining today. Suits my mood perfectly.
I love seeing that the numbers on the scale are consistently going down, even if only a little at a time. It's awesome. It's progress. It means the changes I make are actually doing something for me. But at the same time... I know myself well enough to know that I like my instant gratification. I also know that weight loss is no place for such things. It's a slow process, one that takes time and effort. At some point or another I'm bound to hit a plateu. I know this, because it's happened before. And when things stop changing, I gert irritated and upset and frustrated. And when that happens, I want to eat. And it's stupid and I hate it, but it's just how I deal with things. I wish it wasn't.
But anyway. Instant gratification. Typically it helps to set points along the way where I reward myself for what I accomplish. Not food rewards, obviously. That would be... Stupid. No, I mean other things. Once I had a goal set for if I got under 200 pounds, my mom and I would go horseback riding. I never made it that far, but I still like that goal. I really enjoy horseback riding... But anyway. Not every step needs to be something big like that, that was just a big landmark in my weight loss... Onederland, as some people over at 3fatchicks like to refer to it. Somewhere I haven't been for about four or five years. How am I supposed to make it from where I am now(257lbs, according to my official wednesday weigh in), to... even just getting to 199? I mean, my overall goal is to get to 175 or so. I would love that, it would be just about perfect. But how in the hell am I supposed to do it???
I know, I know. Mini goals. Little steps. I know all about it. Right now my goal is to lose 15 pounds by my birthday... June 6th. I've lost nine, according to my official weigh-ins. So I'm not doing too terrible in that respect, so far. Although it seems like in the last week I suddenly dropped off everything I was really doing. I mean, I'm not going nuts or eatching a ton of fast food or whatever, but mostly I mean I haven't been so enthusiastic about exercise. Which I need to be. I have to exercise because it really does help my weight loss. That *should* be motivation enough. But it never is. Once I'm at the gym, or on the wii game, or whatever, I'm good. I get through what I need to get through, I'm happy, I'm pretty much always glad I did it. But getting there... Ugh. UGH.
I try to just not think about the big picture most of the time. Saying I need to lose seven more pounds to reach my mini goal is way better than saying I need to lose eighty-two pounds for my entire goal... But it's hard when in reality, I know how far I have to go. And it's discouraging to think about, even though it should make me want to work harder.
Yesterday when i was getting ready for bed and I was getting out of my clothes, I just felt uncomfortable. I mean, really uncomfortable in my own skin. Like it just wasn't me. I'm not happy the way my body is. I'm just not. I can't help that, nor do I really want to. I want to lose weight and be healthy and be able to do more things, buy cuter clothing, be comfortable in a bikini.
I just don't know how in the world I'm going to get there without losing hope like I normally do.
Raining today. Suits my mood perfectly.
Monday, May 3, 2010
I've been away, but doing well. :)
I kept meaning to update this, then got distracted and hadn't gotten around to it. So I'll do this now, then exercise like a good kid. :)
Granted, the last two days have been exercise free, which is bad... But not the end of the world at least! I just need to jump into it again, which today I'll be doing with EA sports active... I'm going to try to make my own workout, though. The preset ones just seem to be murderous! I mean, squats and lunges are great. I know they can do amazing things. But ohmygod, they hurt like a motherfucker when you're fat like I am!
All things considered though, I've been doing well. Friday was a good day in terms of exercise, unintentionally better than I had even meant for it to be! I was going to go to a Zumba class that morning(by the way, discovered Zumba on wednesday. LOVE.), but I realized when i got to the gym that I had been looking at the schedule for the day before. So when I arrived, there was a piloga class going on. Not so much my thing. So I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical, and went home to figure out when there was a zumba class later. So I went back to the gym that evening and did more exercise! It was awesome. Just sayin'.
As far as eating goes, I'd say I've been doing well at making better choices. I had a really yummy snack the other day that consisted of sliced up strawberries and bananas... YUM! And even when I go places to eat, I try to make better choices. Chipotle, for example. Did you know that there are 280 calories in a chipotle tortilla? Don't get me wrong, I have been known as the carb queen for basically my whole life(part of the problem for me, to be sure), but even I can recognize when enough is enough. So when I went there yesterday with the fantabulous boyfriend, I got a burrito bowl instead. All of my favorite yummy goodness... Just without the tortilla. And it isn't like it was completely without carbs... There was still rice! :D But considering I don't do guac, or sour cream, or even beans(sorry, I know they actually can be very good for you but I just. Can't. Do it.), having rice isn't so bad.
My *official* weigh in day is in two days. And I never even updated you on that last time! Well, last wednesday my official weigh in came to 260 pounds. Six pounds gone! Hooray!!! I was excited. I know it won't be that exciting every week. In fact there will be times where that's all I lose in a month. But I don't mind. It's all part of the process. For now, I will bask in the happiness of losing that six pounds... Even if it was mostly water weight. Hahaha.
Granted, the last two days have been exercise free, which is bad... But not the end of the world at least! I just need to jump into it again, which today I'll be doing with EA sports active... I'm going to try to make my own workout, though. The preset ones just seem to be murderous! I mean, squats and lunges are great. I know they can do amazing things. But ohmygod, they hurt like a motherfucker when you're fat like I am!
All things considered though, I've been doing well. Friday was a good day in terms of exercise, unintentionally better than I had even meant for it to be! I was going to go to a Zumba class that morning(by the way, discovered Zumba on wednesday. LOVE.), but I realized when i got to the gym that I had been looking at the schedule for the day before. So when I arrived, there was a piloga class going on. Not so much my thing. So I spent 20 minutes on the elliptical, and went home to figure out when there was a zumba class later. So I went back to the gym that evening and did more exercise! It was awesome. Just sayin'.
My *official* weigh in day is in two days. And I never even updated you on that last time! Well, last wednesday my official weigh in came to 260 pounds. Six pounds gone! Hooray!!! I was excited. I know it won't be that exciting every week. In fact there will be times where that's all I lose in a month. But I don't mind. It's all part of the process. For now, I will bask in the happiness of losing that six pounds... Even if it was mostly water weight. Hahaha.
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