Goodness, I suck! LOL. I know I haven't posted in a little bit... Forgive me!? ;)
So, what have you missed... Well, I got through all of W5 of C25K, INCLUDING the dreaded first ever 20 minute run! That was pretty awesome, not gonna lie. Today, I did W6D2, which was pretty awesome. 10 minute, run, 3 minute walk, 10 minute run, plus the usual warmup/cooldown walks. All in all I traveled 2 miles, 1.45 of which I ran! Woo hoo! Friday will be 25 minutes, along with ALL of next week! After Friday's run I will be 2/3 of the way done with the program... I can't believe it! It seems like it went so fast. :)
Pretty sure las time I was on here, I was still stick in my stupid 244 rut... Nope! Just looked. I had broken my plateau upward back to 245. Well, as you can see from the ticker over on the left... I jammed down past 244 in no time at all, just like I said I would! 241 the last two days... So 25 total pounds lost!? SWEET! I was playing with the calculator earlier... First off, I've been at this exactly 12 weeks as of today! :D But anyway, I've lost 2.08 pounds a week on average in the past twelve weeks. How awesome is that!? VERY! To keep that kind of momentum going is definitely an awesome thing. Hopefully it keeps going like this, and I'll definitely be able to make it through!
An entirely unrelated topic to weight loss: I am so so so so SO excited for October!!! Specifically, the 15th! Here's the deal - My mom and I are rediculously in love with the band Maroon 5. Love them. They're amazing and wondeful and awesome, or at least we think so. On October 15th, they're going to be playing near us, and we are SO going. Which is awesome in itself. I've seen them at least twice in concert I can think of. But this time is different! This time, we're going to be sitting in the SECOND row. AND... We get to meet them! :D OMGOMGOMG. I get excited all over again every time I think about it! And it seems SO far away, like... Seriously. Three months and one day from now. And a few hours. LOL. That seems SO long to wait! BUT. I know that I will have a photo taken with the band, and I know that I better damn well look fantastic that night for that photo. It's been three months since I started all this and I've lost 25 pounds. Who's to say I couldn't lose 25 more by then?? :D Even if I don't make it quite that far, I know I'll be making more progress between now and then, and it's going to be AMAZING. And WONDERFUL. And AAAAAH. :D
It won't be here soon enough. :D
And a silly note, actually kind of related to weight loss - Brandon, wonder boyfriend, actually commented that he could tell I'd lost weight! But it was in typical Brandon fashion, so I had to laugh about it. To quote him the other night: "I can tell you've lost weight... Your butt is cuter!" LOL. He WOULD notice that, wouldn't he?? But hey - I'm sure as hell not gonna complain if my butt looks better! :D Sweet!
One thing that's going to *kind of* suck: Next Wednesday I'm leaving with my mom to drive up to Washington for our cousin's wedding... We'll be gone for a whole week! The ONLY reason I say this sucks is that I won't have my scale. :[ I realize that someone up there may very well have one, but it won't be *my* scale, so it's just not the same! So I will be sans-scale for a whole week, but that's okay. I WILL still be doing C25K, because there will be THREE days while I'm gone where I'm supposed to run! It's okay though, because mom has to do it too! LOL. So at least while I'm gone for a week I'll still be getting my exercise in. Between that and still paying attention to what I eat, I imagine I can get out of this little vacation... iether maintaining whatever I am when I leave, or maybe even down a pound or two. We'll see!
Anyway! Just thought I'd get this updated, since I'm SUPAH LAME and haven't done anything for a while. I'll try to be better - Promise!!!
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