I've been stuck at 244 for the last 5 days. I know that 5 days really, really isn't that long, but here I am, halfway feeling like screaming because I'm just irritated with the lack of downward movement on the scale. And yeah, I do realize that the scale is not by any means the end-all-be-all of this stupid process, but ARGH. Is it so bad to want to see 243? And then 242? And then...
You get the point.
A logical person would tell me that maybe I should just take a break from the scale for a few days. Just focus on the eating and exercising part, and worry about the numbers later. I really, really don't know how to do that very well. I mean, yeah, I only count my weight once a week, but I weigh myself every single morning, as long as I have access to my scale. And if I'm at home like I normally am, the scale is in the laundry room. Which is literally right next to my bedroom. So no, I will not be taking a break from my scale, thankyouverymuch. I'm just going to continue to whine and be pissy until it moves down. Perfectly reasonable of me, right?
Okay, no. Not really. But I'm not good at reasonable when I'm frustrated and feeling a bit discouraged.
Hopefully over the weekend I will feel better about... Everything, and I will be back to my happy, proud, cheerful self. Don't get me wrong, I still know it's fantastic that I've lost 22 pounds. I by no means want to go back to the starting line, because dammit I worked hard to get to this point, and I have goals to reach! But I can't reach those goals if the scale doesn't move!
On another note, I did W4D2 today. A challenge, mostly thanks to the fact that I was feeling super unmotivated... But I did it. When the running seemed particularly hard on the last 5 minute interval, my mantra became, "I cannot control the scale, but I have control over this."
I know that's the truth, in the end. I'm just not always happy about it.
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