Sunday, January 9, 2011


So I did it. I finally made myself exercise yesterday. I went to the gym! :D

This pretty much involved 30 minutes of the elliptical, 250 crunches on one of those funky machines specifically *for* crunches... Andddd I messed around on some of the weight machines for arms. My arms ill probably be my focus when it comes to weight machines, because my legs have had the unfair advantage of carrying my fat ass around for my entire life! Sooooo they're already pretty strong. My arms are.... Uhm.... Well. I have absolutely no upper body strength whatsoever. So the idea is that I want to change that!

After my workout yesterday morning I had a little bit of soreness in my arms, 'cause I never really make them do much of anything... And holy cow, they're definitely sore today! Haha. There isn't a way I can move my arms that doesn't result in some kind of reaction from them. But this is good, right? :D Just means I actually made them work. Which is good!

I'm toying with the idea of going back to the gym today. Obviously I know better than to do arm machines again, because that would be dumb. But I could do more elliptical and some crunches and feel good about having a quick workout in there. Mostly I want to because my workout schedule for now will probably be something like Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday, but since I'm just getting into it I don't want to have the opportunity to have two days off to completely lose any little edge of motivation I have under me. Trust me, it's not a very sturdy platform right now! I'm not sure if I'm actually going to follow through though... I'm SO tired today, it's stupid! D: I guess we'll see....

EDIT: I DID end up going to the gym eventually, at like... 2. :D I really did just do another 30 minute bout of elliptical plus another 250 crunches that made me want to die a little! Hahaha. I'm going to enjoy allowing myself the day off tomorrow for sure now. :) Hooray!

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