Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Slowly, I feel like I'm coming back to life.

I haven't picked up the exercise yet, but that's okay. At least I have step aerobics to help keep me up with it twice a week. This is better than nothing, right? I'm hoping to get myself back into an exercise groove soon. But I've been paying better attention to my food again the last few days, and tring in general to not be so... Lame. Hahaha. I know that I have this in me, because I've already come so far, and what I've done even in the last two months is an accomplishment - I maintained. I fluctuated around a 6ish pound window, but I'm still right in there, and that is a huge deal if you ask me!

I had a reminder of all of the reasons that this makes me happy yesterday. I had a job interview at an Old Navy store, for a holiday position. One of the questions I was asked was to tell her about an accomplishment that I was really proud of. The very, very first thing that popped into my little head was my weight loss. I told her how I lost 45 pounds or so from the end of April to September. How it was a big deal, because I've struggled with this for a long time and it was such a good feeling to finally get ahold of it. I also told her that in the last couple of months I've taken a break, but still maintained my loss because obviously I have no interest in gaining that weight back.

I really do still have a great deal of pride in what I've accomplished, it just got buried I think under all of the lost craziness that I've been trying to dig through. 45 pounds is no small thing, and I worked hard to make that happen! I deserved the break I took, and I can't say that I really regret it, except that maybe if I hadn't gotten off track I could still be on my way to onederland by Christmas. Not the end of the world, though, because the point is that I'm going to get there, someday. It will be very, very exciting.

And in case you were wondering how that interview went at Old Navy... I'm going to an orientation on the 14th, pending the background check they're doing. Now, I haven't done a damn thing in my life, so I'm not worried about the background check, soooo... I'm more or less hired, I think! I'm very, very excited, because not only do I love Old Navy as a store anyway, but the last time I had a job was February of 2009 when they closed the Hallmark store I worked at. This is only supposed to be a seasonal position, but it's fun to think that maybe they'll like me enough to keep me around. If not, though, it will still be nice to have something more recent in my job history.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on crawling back on the wagon...AND congrats on the new job! That took guts to share something so personal at a job interview. Go you! :D
