Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Couple of Noteworthy Things. :)

First of all, I reached my 235 mini goal! Super exciting. :D Definitely feeling good about having lost 30 pounds, definitely ready to keep this thing moving!

Yesterday, I finished C25K!!! I'm so happy that I stuck with the program the whole way through. I only skipped one day, and that was while we were travelling. I never thought I'd be able to jog for 30 minutes straight... Never ever ever! But here I am, and I can do it, and it feels great! The 5K I wanna run is next month, and until then I think I'm just going to try and figure out a route around my neighboorhood that's about 3 miles to try and get myself to run without stopping. Practice and all that. ;) I think I'll probably wait until after running the race to try to go back through and work on my speed. Right now, I just wanna make sure I can actually run the distance!

Friday night, the 6th, was my anniversary with Brandon. :) I'm super happy to have him in my life... To celebrate, we went out to a very nice restaraunt called Moxie, where the food was delicious, but very rich... So needless to say I was up a little bit yesterday, back to 235(I had weighed 233 on Friday morning...). I really wasn't too surprised by that... It does suck that it's stuck around today, too! But my eating habits yesterday weren't really normal either. I wasn't hungry, so I didn't eat until the afternoon when I was at a friend's birthday party, and then when I actually did get a little hungry I overindulged in the delicious foods her mom had made for the party. Definitely ate more than I really needed to. But then i wasn't hungry the rest of the day, and didn't eat anything. Yeah. Not the greatest habits! So hopefully soon enough my weight will drop back down, and continue on to my next mini goal... 225! No idea when I last was in the 220's. Sometime when I wasn't really paying attention, I'm sure!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck reaching your next mini goal. It seems like you are doing absolutely fabulous so far. It really sucks when special events happen and your forced to eat outside your eating habits. It really can throw everything out of balance.

    P.S. - Happy Anniversary.
